Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Many years ago, I think about 1980, I vividly remember the Lord making it clear to me that I was a poor listener…I was a fairly new Christian, still had my business in Pitman, people in and out all the time…many of them needy and wanting someone to show some interest in what was on their mind. The store had a small “sitting “ area, two comfortable chairs, coffee table, it was a warm and inviting area. I found people coming into the store to talk…sharing problems with me, and not always looking for me to miraculously give them an answer. Sometimes I could give them “something to go on”…from Scripture. Most of the time, they only needed someone to listen. God made that abundantly clear to me, as well as making it clear I was to “learn” to listen. It took some doing, but I did it. Amazing how the Holy Spirit can signal to you in your inner man,…”shut up Lynne, just listen!” At times I just felt a “check”…and kept quiet. That learning experience served me well as I began prison ministry, mainly doing counseling. Listening to prisoners stories many times defied any kind of answer I could come up with! Then I realized, I didn’t need to have an answer, just listen and point them to the Scripture after I had made sure they had a relationship with the Lord…couldn’t have them reading someone else’s mail! Most of their stories were incredible, and they weren’t looking for answers, just some understanding and even more important, forgiveness. If I didn’t actually listen, there is no way I could really hear their cry for mercy and forgiveness. And, as God’s worker, that was right up my alley. I knew the One who could meet those needs, and could help us make sense of this man’s life. In reality, most answers are in the Scripture, but it is necessary to KNOW the book, as well as the Author.

Poor listeners range from the impatient type, (“that’s nothing, wait ‘til you hear what I’ve done), to the person who’s so absorbed in their own thoughts, they are not even aware somebody’s spoken. Learning to listen actively and constructively is as important as learning to speak, if your communication is to be effective.


1. A gossip talks about others

2. A  bore talks about himself

3. But…a wise man talks to you, about you, then listens to what you  have to say

When you’re a good listener, not only will people seek you out, you’ll grow wiser and win friends too.

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