Saturday, June 2, 2012

Character quality of self-control…

I always found it interesting that the very last “fruit of the Spirit” which is the character of Christ…was self-control. Possibly because it so difficult to understand and “do.” ????  I have given this item a lot of thought because it seems to be such a difficult quality to master. Webster’s defines it as restraint over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires. Not everyone has restraint…I have had a LOT of inmates describe to me how they believed they had no “restraint” or control over their actions and their incarceration showed they knew what they were talking about! Another word the dictionary used was will…will power, self-control, self-constraint…self-self-self! Well I’ve discovered after years of Biblical counseling with any and all types of persons, it’s not self-anything that controls us, it’s God! SPIRIT CONTROL!!!!! No more, no less! All through the New Testament God speaks to us of Spirit control, of yielding to Him, of “taking up your cross to follow Him…” which means to give up our right to ourselves and our own life, to Him. In doing that, we are also doing something very important, giving over our will. We can give up to Him by an act of our will, based on our very real desire to do so. Not an emotional decision but a thought-through, deliberate yielding of the will…and the life. I know from my own experience we tend to “forget. “ But let me reassure you, He will remind you. And also, let me tell you you will not ever be sorry.

My journey to total yieldedness started in the 70’s, had a disagreement with someone important to me and reached for the phone to call my pastor for advice, and I sensed a voice speaking to me internally, “and immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood…” and stopped, dead! I had no idea God could speak to you in an non-audible way but very strongly. Strong, yet as Scripture says, “in a still, small, voice.” I was overwhelmed at such a thing happening to me…God Himself had let me know and understand His desire for me at that particular moment. Needless to say, I sat down and quietly spent some time with Him to find out what He wanted me to know…and He did! It was an awesome experience, one I will never forget, (as you can tell) and I have had others since. But that one was special, and I’ve wondered what would have happened had I NOT listened and obeyed? Do not even want to think about that!

Before I close this blog, let me say to whomever is reading this, do not be afraid of yielding and asking the Lord to Spirit-control you. He knows everything about you, all of your wants, needs, desires and even your “dreams” for the future. And best of all, He can bring them about if it is within His plans for you. But no matter what, He will give you a happiness you never dreamed possible, a sense of contentment that surpasses anything you could desire. And thinking eternally, the best is yet to come!

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