Friday, January 8, 2010

JOHN 13, Servanthood, part 4

I would suggest re-reading John 13 before reading on…Jesus loved them and us with a kind of love unknown to we humans, a humble, unassuming and unconditional kind of love. He modeled it well. Listed here a a few of the character qualities of Christexhibgited in this act of selfless service on His part…

1. There is no attitude of “me first” but a willingness to assume a lowly position.

2. A deep devotion to doing what was needful for another.

3. A delight in doing for others, no hesitation or begrudging to serve

4. A conscious dependence on the Father, not only here but in everything He did.

5. He was always in control of HIs thoughts, He never exhibited worry or mindfretting.

6. He kept  distance from anything that encouraged pride.

7. He was determined to be obedient.

He was clearly teaching that there is complete cleansing in our acceptance of Christ as our Lord and Savior…but we must be mindful of the sin around us that will contaminate and affect us, sometimes pulling us into thoughts and actions we do not want in our lives. Then, we need to take them to Him for “foot washing”…confession, so as not to break fellowship with Him and allow guilt or shame to separate us even for moments of time.

How gracious of Him to speak to Peter about his denial…it did not keep Peter from denying, but it must have helped him to bear the shame of what he had done after the fact. Peter was always the spokesman, always speaking up, many times “putting his foot in his mouth” by speaking up, but his love for the Lord was very real and Jesus knew it. Judas on the other hand had his own agenda, also something Jesus was aware of: we see that clearly at the end of this chapter. I think something is very clear here…the total humanness of everyone involved. Jesus great love for the men, and they loved Him back, but with a different kind of love, more like the way WE love. We all tend to love conditionally, we don’t mean to, but we do, it is the human way. Jesus though totally human, was also God, and knew and loved them as well as us, from the foundation of the world. And His love was complete, full, untarnished by any human tendencies.
They needed to see that, so that they could know how they were to love each other, as He had loved them.I am sure is was not easy for them to put into practice this kind of love. Only the Holy Spirit can produce that quality of love in us…and to have it, we must be willing to put aside our pettiness, our controlling instinct and self-love.The last thing I want us to look at is Judas. In verse2 we read that Satan had already prompted Judas to betray Jesus. I remember years ago, a Pastor taught that Judas was anxious for the Kingdom…now! Jesus was not going in that direction and Judas thought he could help Him out…put Him in a position to HAVE to assume the kingship. Then, Judas could be a big deal, have a higher position in Jesus government. Perhaps! Anyway, in verse 27, Jesus identified His betrayer, He handed him the bread dipped in the dish. And the Word says, “immediately, Satan entered into him,” that sends chills up my spine. What an awful thing. Judas was with Jesus three years, and yet was so blind he could hand Him over to the Pharisees and soldiers…with a kiss! What a hypocrite!

I think it unfortunate that in many cases we really don’t  look at these men as human beings, just like us. They had the same heart, mind, vices, habits, baggage…and Jesus knew it and them. In the next few chapters He is going to give them some wonderful advice…and promises. They are ours today, He wants the best for us, in many cases more than we want it for ourselves…but that’s another blog!!!!

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