Friday, January 22, 2010


Here are the principles I said I would post, things I’ve learned in my 30+ years of walking with the Lord…

1. Obey God and leave the consequences to Him. A phrase that is spoken frequently to the point I wonder if we take it seriously. I have found in obeying God what we would call “consequences” are not as devastating as we might expect. One thing I have learned: He is not A HARD TASKMASTER and doesn’t expect more than we can give. We many times get ourselves in positions that are harsh, and may be, but the question becomes, is it truly of God or did we bring it on ourselves? And…He always has a way of escape the harshness, but it will be HIS way!Bear in mind: A) We need to learn to listen to Him. 2) We need to learn to trust Him, and this takes practice, but is definitely worth it. As we read the Word, God reveals to us areas that need change…He wants us to ponder it as we sit quietly in His presence. I am pretty sure we have lost the ability to “be still” in our so-called modern society. God speaks with a still, small voice…when WE are quiet! When we are constantly on the move, He may have to bring something into our lives that forces us to “settle.” Quieting ourselves and being available to the Spirit takes devotion.

2. Learn to trust the Lord for everything you need. 1)Ask yourself if you are willing to stop worrying, fretting, being anxious, or frustrated. 2) Are you willing to believe what you see…what you hear…or what God says????? Most of us don’t even talk to God about our everyday decisions, our schedules, our purchases, plans and dreams…we just “do them”…I have found that God loves to be consulted about these seemingly small areas of our lives, He really does. Try saying to Him, “I don’t know the end from the beginning, but YOU do” and mean it. His response will surprise you!

3. Learn to wait on God. 1) He always has a specific time and purpose .2) Sometimes we wait because WE are not ready, or others are not ready, and sometimes He has a better way. Waiting today is almost a joke. now days, if you want it, go get it! it’s called “immediate gratification”…but God isn’t into that. He has a bigger picture, there are others involved, and He knows more than we do. Many times that quiet little voice inside us urges me to wait, be still, don’t do or say that…and the more I obey, the better things are. As a single woman living alone, it is a great comfort to me to know I can depend on God to this extent. I can trust Him to do only good for me and that takes much of  the stress out of everyday living.

4. Give generously to God’s work. 1) Don’t be overly attached to “things”. Hold them loosely. 2) Ask God to protect you from greed and materialism. 3) Life isn’t made up of “things” but our relationship with God, and what we convey to others about Him.

5.Recognize you can’t and don’t live the Christian life on your own. As I said earlier, we are God’s Ambassadors, good or bad. How many times have you heard someone say, “if that’s what a Christian is like, I don’t want to be one,” I would not want to answer to the Lord for that kind of testimony.

That is only half the principles, the last ten I’ll post tomorrow. I trust they are a help to you as you seek to understand, trust and obey God, and learn to love Him better.

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