Thursday, February 18, 2010


This time of year many of us are prone to depression…not necessarily the heavy-duty, debilitating type, just a “flat,” not quite with it feeling. This winter seems especially bad, probably because of all the snow, keeping us “house-bound” more than usual. Frankly, after quite a few bouts over many years, I don’t have all the answers but I am convinced God knows every whip stitch that goes on in my life and I assume yours, and He allows it for a reason and a season. Paul had a “thorn” in the flesh…could depression be a thorn? If so, I am obligated to “bear it well” and allow God to use it. Paul said his thorn kept him from being proud…maybe the same applies to me…or you! This I also know, I work diligently on staying very close to Him during these times, pray a little more, read a little more, and I make a project out of memorization. I keep a little notebook handy, even when I go to bed, write down verses that seem to “hit the mark” for where I am, and go through them when I sense the heaviness coming. Perhaps I would not have as close a relationship with Him if it weren’t for these bouts ? It’s important to keep as busy as possible even though you are house-bound and probably don’t feel like it. There is a name for the condition,SAD, but I don’t  remember what the initials stand for. At least it has been identified and recognized as an existing condition, apparently quite common. I have to say the memorization works pretty well, not totally but running through a number of verses does ease the sense of gloom.

I’ve known the Lord for 36 years, as I have thought back over my life I remember quite a few bouts, a couple pretty long-lasting. I also remember reading that many of God’s men and women from the past have endured bouts of depression, causing me to assume that your spiritual condition probably has little or nothing to do with it. When men like Martin Luther, Judson Adonijah, C.I. Scofield, the man who founded the Salvation Army, named Brengel to name a few, come down with the “blahs” from time to time, (some had very serious bouts according to what I read) why not an ordinary person like me, no matter how much I love the Lord and how close I live to Him. It may not be any different than the high blood pressure I take medication for!!!!  But I have to admit I work harder at “lifting” it than I do on lowering my blood pressure…because I am convinced He is allowing it for some reason and I need to be open to hearing what that reason is. I also know from Scripture that any affliction is for a season, it has a beginning and it will have an end, and God knows the timeframe. Will I trust Him and hang in there, continuing my memorization and “singing and making melody in my heart to the Lord?” Yes, I will. I found many a verse that spoke about praise, singing, and glorifying the Lord with speech, witnessing and bearing testimony to His goodness. And,…I remember that no matter how I “feel” God does not change, not one wit, He is ever the same and I can take that to the bank!

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