Sunday, August 28, 2011


I get amazed every time I read or see on TV the President of Iran or other Arab leaders speak of Israel with such hatred in their voices and attitudes…sometimes they look as though they might have a stroke they are so enraged. It is so forceful, it isn’t human…hate like that…my,my,my! Then not too long ago as I began reading through the Scripture as I do over and over, in Genesis I read what God had to say about Ishmael and later Esau, and I will ask you to read it for yourself…Genesis 16 and 27. Bare in mind that Ishmael’s mother was Egyptian, came from Egypt to Canaan with Abraham and Sara out of Egypt when they had gone there for food in a famine, didn’t seem to want to trust God for provision. A sin of distrust on Abraham’s part began a set of circumstances that exist to this day. It shows itself clearly in the hatred and violence of the Arabs toward the Jews. They do not want them to have even the little sliver of land the UN gave them in 1948, no where near the amount of land God gave them. I challenge you to read Genesis and Numbers and find the portions where Scripture clearly lays out the boundary's’ of just exactly how much land God gave them. Interestingly, they have never possessed all He gave them but they will one day when He returns in power and glory!

Another aspect of distress to me is the anti-Semitic attitudes of non-Arabs and even Christians, and it is an uninformed point of view. If one knows the facts, even apart from the Bible, it is very hard to see and/or understand that view. When Israel was given their land in 1948, it was a barren desert. If you ever saw the old movie Lawrence of Arabia, that will give you an idea of what Israel looked like in ‘48. Ezekiel 37 and 38 really tells it really well, ad well as some of what will happen during the early years of the Tribulation. Ezekiel tells how Israel will bloom after her people begin coming back from various parts of the world, and begin new lives in their homeland…and do not forget that just a few years ago when Israel gave the Palestinians Gaza, a thriving area with homes, farms, businesses, etc., they burned everything to the ground!!! Does that make any sense???? No, not a bit…that is pure, horrible rage!

To be continued…

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