Sunday, August 28, 2011


When I was a little girl, we had a lady in our town and church named Margaret Carter who loved teaching children. She did it very well, with Sunday School, release school time, Bible clubs in her home…any place she could, she taught kids. I had no idea I was learning so much, thank God I was. She talked a lot about endtimes, emphasizing Daniel with her flannel graph lessons. When I was 15 my father, my favorite person in the whole world, died. I remember blaming God, and deciding to go my own way…and I did. For 20 years I lived exclusively for me. Then, someone gave me a copy of Hal Lindsey’s book Late Great Planet Earth, I read it from cover to cover in an evening and was never the same! I did a 180* turn to the Lord and to my surprise, all I had learned as a child, especially from Miss Carter, came back! I was so hungry for more, I read, and read, and read. That was 1974.

I also remember sitting with my dad and watching our new TV set, while Israel was partitioned by the UN, (Israel accepted the land offered, the Palestinians did not) and given nation status. I saw David ben Gurion stand on a balcony and  tell the Israeli’s they now had a homeland and no one could take it away from them. I heard on the radio with my grandfather, President Truman recognize Israel for diplomatic status with the USA. That was May 14,1948.

The very next day, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq invaded the brand new nation to take it away but Israel prevailed and they had to withdraw. They had told the Palestinians NOT to accept what the UN offered because they were going to “push Israel into the Med and they, the Palestinians, could have it all. Not happening! From that time until the present, the Palestinians live in refugee structures even though the US, UN and most EU nations sent them millions of dollars that went right into the pockets of their leaders like Arafat and the people never saw any of it. There are thousands of Arabs that have continued to live in Israel, prospered and are happy there. They do not want Palestinian rule. When Israel gave over Gaza, it ad left with homes, farms, fields, businesses…what did the Palestinians do???? They burned everything to the ground and now it is a barren, scorched piece of land not the blooming, thriving land it had been since 1967.

All I have written here is secular history. I have not said one word of what God gave the Jews, and what the boundries are. I’ll leave that for another blog…




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